
Beating the Odds: Strategies for Success in Online Gambling



Online gambling is a process where a person wagers money or something valuable on games to gain higher benefits. A sound online gambling strategy helps a user to maximise their profits with a minimal deposit at times. However, there are odds that one has to consider before playing such games online. You have to minimise risk by plotting your actions and gaining benefits from such platforms online. 

Here, we will discuss some interesting strategies for players to enhance their chances of winning. Let us get to those strategies quickly!

Online Gambling Strategies for Beginners 

Firstly, you have to choose what type of player you want to be! There are two types of players, specialists and generalists. Specialists are players that play a specific game and they are well acquainted with it. However, being a specialist requires countless hours of strategy-making and playing. On the other hand, a generalist plays several games.

A generalist can have the advantage of diversifying their risks across different games. This helps them to have good bankroll management. However, a generalist needs to understand several games and their strategies before playing. Secondly, you need to begin your gaming experience with some platforms for online gambling. The beginning starts by understanding online gambling strategies for a player!

Let us understand some strategies for beginners to follow:

Start by Playing Free Games

Some platforms offer their players options to play free games. This not only helps them understand the game, but to develop a strategy of their own. Play as much as possible in free mode to get some advantages before a live game with multiple players. Even when you are unable to find a platform that offers free playing mode, find cheap ones!

A few websites charge a very little price to play their games online. If you have an opportunity then grab one!

Prediction Makes Perfect

You have to learn to predict! This is one of the most important aspects of online casino strategies for beginners. One of the earliest steps in playing casino games is to understand RTP. RTP is known as Return To Player Percentage, and this determines how much you can get back from a game. Additionally, you may also calculate house edge to make sure that you will be having some wins!

Calculating House Edge is easy, it is generally the value remaining after subtracting RTP from 100. A higher house edge is technically a loss for players and you must avoid those sites. A little research about a particular website gives you their average house edge. 

You can calculate loss by using a simple formula:

Loss = House Edge Percentage X Number of Wagers X Average Size of Each Wager.

Learn Some Mathematics

There are several games and each of them has unique odds. However, you can use some basic mathematics to win a game. One of the interesting formulas that you can use is a Kelly Criterion Staking. In this, you are calculating how much to bet in a particular game provided you know the winning odds. 

Suppose a game has a 78% probability of winning. Convert this into a decimal figure by dividing it by 100. Thus, you get a probability of 0.78, to which you assign a letter value of 'P'. The probability of success is always (1-P). 

Hence, the winning probability here is 0.22, assign this a value of 'Q'. Now, decimal odds of a bet are researched, and this value is the winning amount obtained when you bet ₹1. Now use a formula considering that a bet is placed at 2x wager. The value of 'B' will be (2-1), or equals 1. 

F (Bet amount to be placed) = {(BP-Q)/B} where,

P = 0.78

B = 1

Q = (1-P), which is 0.22

In this case, the value of 'F' comes to be 0.56. Therefore, Kelly Criterion recommends that you bet 5.6% of your money on this game. This formula is useful in obtaining how much you may invest in a particular game considering its returns. However, there are other factors involved in a game and thorough research is essential for obtaining a proper value. 

Understanding mathematics helps you to draw more online casino winnings from a platform!

How to Choose a Good Gambling Platform 

Next, let us choose a good platform for online gambling. There are several criteria that you may search for when choosing a platform. Here we will list some important criteria that you may keep in mind:

Multiple Payment Options

Having different options for payments ensures that you can easily deposit and withdraw cash. However, some platforms also accept cryptocurrency and you may find them useful for playing. Additionally, a platform that has multiple currency options also attracts players from different countries to play.  

Good Customer Support Network

Having a good customer support network enables quick redressal of queries. Ideally, a platform should have a 24x7 customer support network. A 24x7 customer support system enables resolving queries faster and helps players from different time zones to solve their problems. Usually, a good online gambling strategy involves searching for a platform that offers better customer service in comparison to others.  

Availability of Games

Ideally, a platform must have a wide range of games for players. Therefore, you may choose a website that offers you multiple games to play. This will add to your experience. As a beginner in betting platforms, having access to and experience of playing multiple games will help you build strategies. 

Number of Bonuses and Promotions

More bonuses for you mean a better opportunity to experience new games for free. Many platforms offer benefits like welcome bonuses and free spins for playing some slot games. Thus, having bonuses gives you an edge in playing games and elevates your user experience for a platform. Usually, top gambling tips mention having a good platform with several bonuses and promotions for effortless playing!

Proper Licensing and Regulation

A platform having a licence for hosting games gives you trust in playing. You are sure that they will not hamper your playing experience for their benefit. Your payments are secure with them and you may use them for playing several games. 

Some trustworthy licences are from Curacao, Malta and UK Gambling Commission. If the platform you choose has any of them as a licensee then you may trust them. 

Top Gambling Tips for Safe Play

For a safer betting experience, you may follow some advice. This advice ensures that you are playing games for fun and you do not overdo anything! Some tips for a safer gambling experience are mentioned below:

Choose to Gamble for Fun

You are not gambling to increase your profits, but you are just using them for fun. Only choose to gamble if you have enough funds. 

Expect Some Loss

Gambling is all about the odds of winning and losing. Therefore, you must not envy if a fellow player wins. You also do not get profits every time you gamble. Accepting loss as a part of your gameplay creates a big difference!

Set a Time and Funds Limit

Always stick to a particular amount of time that you will be spending playing games. Additionally, you must ensure that the funds that you use are a disposable part of your income. Otherwise, there is a risk of going broke every time you play a game. 

Credit is Not the Solution

Always make sure that you are gambling with your own money! Do not take credit from anyone to gamble. This will hamper your financial stability severely. Gambling with credits may also result in you falling into a debt trap. Always make sure that you are just enjoying and not dedicating your resources to playing a game.

Educate Yourself about the Game

You must learn every detail about a game before playing it! Do ensure that you are not dumping more money to chase what is lost. Gambling is always about probability and luck is a vital factor here! Do not risk it all for nothing in hand. 

There are several online gambling strategies you may follow. However, what gets you more advantage depends on the platform and its features like RTP, and your luck. Understanding patterns is an important part of online gambling strategies for beginners. This enhances their playing experience.

Please keep in mind that gambling requires real money and there are several factors to win. Do not overspend in a game and risk going broke! You have to use your better judgement while playing in an online casino.

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